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Problem Internet failure !!!!

Internet failure, difficult connection, very slow or unstable data rate:
Here are the steps to check to restore the Internet home,
Diagnose the cause of the failure and repair or have it repaired.
Follow the following steps in order:
Check the connections (phone jacks, USB jacks,
Power ...), the cables and LEDs of your modem
(box). These should flash correctly (see manual provided by your ISP).
Also try to pull out the telephone jack very lightly,
The metal blades (inside the plug) do not make good contact when the
Socket is pushed in fully.
Trying to restart your Internet box
Test other Internet applications (e-mail or instant messaging, games, other
Software ...) than the browser to see if the Internet as a whole is unavailable or
Only a few applications are blocked.
Check your firewall settings (port 80 should not be blocked, or the
Internet browser and applications that use the Internet)
Check your IP address and network settings (see the tutorial to test and repair
Connection). Look at the manual of your ISP, but generally your computer must be
Set to obtain an IP address automatically (Control Panel>
Networks> Connection Properties> TCP / IP Settings).
Reinstall the modem driver and / or ISP software. If necessary, install the
Latest updates of your software (sometimes editors correct serious bugs that
May be causing your blocking) from another Internet connection.
Do an antivirus and antispyware scan if your connection is particularly slow or
Encounters problems without any real explanation. A virus may occupy your tape
Passing without your knowledge.
If you are using a Wi-Fi wireless connection, make sure you have access to the
Modem (box). If this is not the case, it is a problem connecting to the Wi-Fi network,
So try reinstalling your drivers and restarting your Wi-Fi
box. To see if the problem is caused by Wi-Fi, try connecting to your
Modem-box via Ethernet cable.
Try to repair Windows if you think system files could be damaged
Either by your last manipulations, or by wild installations / uninstallations.
You can also choose to manually create your Internet connection, without
By the software of your ISP. This can sometimes unblock the situation if the problem
The latest versions of your ISP software. To do this, just follow this tutorial.
If you can connect to the Internet, but the speed is very slow, there are tools
Online that will allow you to measure your actual throughput. Remember that
Problems are not necessarily your fault or that of your ISP. The site
Or the service you are using may also be at issue.
Contact your ISP (Internet service provider), the breakdown may also come from it.
Do not hesitate, if you can connect elsewhere, to the forums (type in
Example Internet connection problem + the name of your city), and ask your neighbors
To see if it is a generalized, localized or just personal problem.
Try the PC with its modem in another place. Also try changing the modem
Or cable to see if the problem comes from a hardware cause. Return to your ISP
If the malfunction comes from the Internet Box, to get a free change.


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