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How to Fix iTunes Error 4014/4013 and Upgrade Your iPhone Successfully

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Problem Internet failure !!!!

Internet failure, difficult connection, very slow or unstable data rate: Here are the steps to check to restore the Internet home, Diagnose the cause of the failure and repair or have it repaired. Follow the following steps in order: Check the connections (phone jacks, USB jacks, Power ...), the cables and LEDs of your modem (box). These should flash correctly (see manual provided by your ISP). Also try to pull out the telephone jack very lightly, The metal blades (inside the plug) do not make good contact when the Socket is pushed in fully. Trying to restart your Internet box Test other Internet applications (e-mail or instant messaging, games, other Software ...) than the browser to see if the Internet as a whole is unavailable or Only a few applications are blocked. Check your firewall settings (port 80 should not be blocked, or the Internet browser and applications that use the Internet) Check your IP address an

Problem of wireless hp 6730b / s installed but no signal Status Not connected

Problem of wireless hp 6730b / s installed but no signal Status Not connected Wireless icon       son without the network card is properly installed but no longer displays signal is not connected. More than six months I seek the solution of this problem  I formatted my pc it changes nothing. I replaced the card networks without son but it changes nothing. The I found that the problem is not the ne BIOS merge the functionality of the wireless network card while the solution is to flash the BIOS. 1. You go to the HP driver from the site. 2. Download the 4 files. 3. Insert a USB drive to create bootable media. 4. After creating the bios startup key you launched the program flash. 5. recovery image will be recorded on the USB key. 6. restart pc to do automatic after flashing the bios  E here is the problem solved 

Faire passer votre syteme android vers IOS

Nous nous retrouvons dans un nouveau tutoriel qui va sans doute faire plaisir aux fans incontestés de la société à la pomme. Si vous avez toujours rêvé de pouvoir retrouver une interface iOS de chez Apple sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette Android , suivez le tutoriel car il vous expliquera tout pour simuler le système de manière optimale. Avant toute chose, il ne s’agit pas du véritable système iOS et des différences seront évidemment présentes par rapport à l’interface d’Apple. Mais nous allons essayer de customiser ensemble un maximum de choses pour votre appareil, et vous serez libres de sélectionner ce qui vous intéresse. Si vous avez quelques bonnes minutes devant vous, alors effectuons chaque étape ensemble, et vous aurez droit à un appareil tout beau tout neuf ! Préparation des outils nécessaires à la transformation Comme toujours, histoire que tout le monde parte sur une même base, nous allons rassembler dans cette partie l’ensemble des outils et applicatio

Fix error 0xc000014C for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

Alternative Info error messages.  Your PC will probably display “Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.” with File: as “\Boot\BCD”, but users reported others, such as: File: \Windows\system32\config\system Info: Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing or is corrupt Info: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors Sample 0xc000014C boot error Below is a sample full text of this boot error message: Windows Boot Manager Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer. 2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." 3. Click "Repair your computer." If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator  or computer manufacturer for assistance File: \Boot\BCD Status: 0xc000014C Info: An error occurred while attempt

Clone a Raspberry Pi SD Card for Easy Backups

          The Raspberry Pi is a fantastic device for all kinds of things, but there's no denying that it's a bit clunky and unreliable. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, your Pi will fail to boot, which is why MakeUseOf suggests cloning your SD cards right after you get them set up. Cloning your SD card is really simple. On Windows, you can use Win32DiskImager , and on Mac you can clone your card from the command line. So, once you set up your Raspberry Pi with all your XBMC plug-ins or all your retro games, clone that SD card so you'll have a backup ready if anything goes wrong. Head over to MakeUseOf for a guide to backing up and restoring those SD card images.

How to Making a Kali Bootable USB Drive

Our favorite way, and the fastest method, for getting up and running with Kali Linux is to run it “live” from a USB drive. This method has several advantages: It’s non-destructive — it makes no changes to the host system’s hard drive or installed OS, and to go back to normal operations, you simply remove the “Kali Live” USB drive and restart the system. It’s portable — you can carry Kali Linux in your pocket and have it running in minutes on an available system It’s customizable — you can roll your own custom Kali Linux ISO image  and put it onto a USB drive using the same procedures It’s potentially persistent — with a bit of extra effort, you can configure your Kali Linux “live” USB drive to have   p ersistent storage , so the data you collect is saved across reboots In order to do this, we first need to create a bootable USB drive which has been set up from an ISO image of Kali Linux. What You’ll Need A  verified  copy of the appropriate ISO image of the latest Kali bu